Yes, DsikDeleter supports Cryptographic Erasure. Crypto Erasure takes only a few seconds and thus if a device needs to be sanitized fast, this is an ideal solution. You can further overwrite disks with values of your choice if so desired.

DiskDeleter can wipe up to 16 disks simultaneously by multi-threading. The number of disks DiskDeleter can recognize at a time is in theory unlimited, but we recommend maximum 16 disks for a simultaneous operation for both built-in and external disks.

※ If you need to increase the maximum number of disks for simultaneous operations, please contact us. Customization for charge may be possible.

First, save [ DiskDeleter Program Zip file for preparation ] somewhere in a PC, and extract the program. You will find [ DDUXCreator.exe ] or [ DDTXCreator.exe ]. Run the .exe program and install the program in a USB memory following the manual for preparation.

When the program is installed in a USB, open the folder you have saved the Zip file. You will find automatically generated [ DDUX.ISO ] or [ DDTX.ISO ].

Insert a blank CD into the CD drive. Right click the [ DDUX or DDTX .ISO file ] and select [ burn disk image ]. Windows disk image burning tool automatically starts. Run [ burn to disk ]. When burning has completed, [ Bootable CD Media ] is created.
Insert DIskDeleter USB and the [ Bootable CD Media ] into the PC you wish to wipe and run the CD. (You need to inset DiskDeleter USB when you CD boot the PC.)


DiskDeleter USB contains an OS which boots a PC before a PC’s Windows OS starts, and deploys its program on a PC’s system memory. So DiskDeleter can work with a PC that stopped running, as long as the PC is physically intact.

Time to wipe a device varies depending on factors like device type, storage size, Memory, CPU, etc., as well as deletion method selected.
These are sample results of our benchmark test using [ Zero Write ] deletion method.

Device Speed
Sec / 1GB
Memory GB Total Time CPU
Surface Pro 4.47 119.2 3.9 8 min 53 sec Intel Core i5-4200 CPU 1.60GHz
Let's NOTE PC 7.55 119.2 7.9 15 min 0 sec Intel Core i5-7300 CPU 2.60GHz
HP Desktop PC 10.96 232.9 7.9 42 min 33 sec Intel Core i3-2100 CPU 3.10GHz
VAIO Note PC 12.40 119.2 3.9 24 min 6 sec Intel Core i3-3217U CPU 1.80GHz
Generic Desktop PC 18.76 465.8 15.7 2 H 25 min 41 sec Intel Core i3-7100 CPU 3.90GHz
Windows Tablet 30.40 58.2 1.8 29 min 32 sec Intel Atom x5-z8350CPU 1.44GHz

If a message [ DiskDeleter USB cannot be found. Please insert a right USB. ] shows up, please insert the USB in another USB port, and boot the PC again.

If USB is recognized and DiskDeleter program has started, and yet a message [ USB cannot be found ] shows up, it could be an issue of USB Driver in the PC. Please apply USB Port Driver of Widows10 64bit version.

DiskDeleter starts by loading Windows PE into System Memory, in which process PC's BIOS and USB communicate. After the program has started but before the main UI shows up, this communication ends and Windows and USB take over. At this point, if PC is using its manufacturer's original USB driver instead of a generic driver, Windows PE may not be able to recognize the PC's USB port. This results in an error.

When DiskDeleter has loaded into a device, a message [ You can pull out DiskDeleter USB ] comes up. When you see this message, you can pull out the USB from the device.

[ Parallel wipe operations ]

When you have pulled out DiskDeleter USB from a device, an option to [ auto save deletion log on HDD boot area ] becomes disabled.
If you need to save the deletion log, please follow this procedure.
Deletion complete → Insert DiskDeleter USB in the PC → click [ Save ] on the deletion log window

After disk was wiped, DiskDeleter can capture and output [ S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) ] report in text format. SMART detects and reports various indicators of drive reliability with the intent of anticipating imminent hardware failures. This data helps in evaluating the re-usability of the disk.

Note: When capturing SMART data, DiskDeleter needs to be connected to a device directly, not though USB cable. SMART data are constantly updated, and therefore a snapshot SMART data should be taken as an approximation. To capture accurate data, a disk needs to support SMART.

When Diskdeleter generates a deletion report, 2 encrypted files are automatically created: [ xxxxx_AT.html ] and [ xxxxx_HASH.txt ]. Combination of these two files opens DiskDeleter Tamperproof Deletion Certificate. If one of these is changed / modified in any way, the certificate will not open.

Open with Microsoft Edge:

Open [ _AT.html ] and click [ Show Deletion Certificate ].
If the HASH matches, the deletion certificate will open.
(These two files need to be located in the same folder level.)

Open with a Web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, etc.
Open [ _AT.html ] and click [ Show Deletion Certificate ]. You will be asked to input [ HASH ] value.
Open [ _HASH.txt ] file using a text application such as Notepad, copy the entire string, paste it in the input space in the browser and click [ OK ]. If the HASH matches, the deletion certificate will open.

DiskDeleter UX, TX, Kit are for internal use only.
If you perform disk wipe / sanitization services on devices owned a third party for a fee
If you are leasing PCs, servers, etc.
If you trade those used devices
You need to purchase DiskDeleter Commercial License.
DiskDeleter Commercial License includes DiskDeleter UX and TX for an annual subscription price of $4,000 (pre-tax). The number of devices you can wipe is unlimited during the subscription period.

You need to return the USB memory to us and we will ship a replacement for fee. The cost of the replacement varies depending on the timing of the damage.

 1.   If damaged USB was delivered, we will provide a replacement USB free of charge, including shipping costs.
 2.   If USB was damaged withing a month of the delivery (= guarantee period), you need to return the USB at your shipping expense and we will ship a replacement USB free of charge.
 3.   If USB was damaged after the initial month of the deliver but within the initial 12 months, you need to return the USB to us and pay two-way shipping costs (to and from us). We will ship a replacement USB free of charge.
 4.   If USB was damaged after 1 year from the initial delivery, you need to return the USB to us, and pay two-way shipping costs (to and from us) plus $200 for the replacement USB. We will ship a replacement USB.

Please contact us for more detail.

Confidential information stored in a PC or storage devices shall be deleted inhouse so as to prevent data leak.
We strongly recommend "complete data deletion" inhouse so that confidential data do not get out of an organization.
When leased devices are returned or deletion operations are outsourced, data leak can occur and have indeed occurred. Inhouse complete data deletion prevents such data leak risks.
With DiskDeleter, anyone can perform complete data deletion without training or prior knowledge.

Data stored on a HDD can be recovered using data recovery software.
In order to make data unrecoverable, you need to either physically destroy a HDD or completely delete data using specialized data deletion software.

Physical destruction of a HDD requires specialized equipment, which makes it very hard to do data deletion inhouse. Deletion software on the other hand allows inhouse deletion without special knowhow or skills.

If you have configured to save deletion log in the bootable section of a HDD, the log will be recorded in the beginning of the HDD. This is a correct result.
If you do not need to save a log on the HDD, please uncheck a box [Save log report in the boot section] in the Option window, and try again.

If write errors had occurred during wipe operation, DiskDeleter reports such errors and shows a list of bad sectors up to 100 incidences. This provides accurate information on bad sectors of the device.
If deletion log includes write errors, the log report is displayed in red letters. When a red letter report is saved, the file is saved as [xxxxBADSECTOR.txt ] which automatically includes bad sector reports.
Many bad sectors typically indicate HDD's magnetic-force has deteriorated and it is not suitable for re-use.

When an evidence of deletion / sanitization is requested by customers, auditors, corporate management, etc., please provide two files automatically created by DiskDeleter; [ xxxxx_AT.html ] and [ xxxxx_HASH.txt ]. These two files are encrypted and only if the two files match, DiskDeleter Deletion Certificate will open.

The certificate proves the device is sanitized, i.e., data was completely deleted.
DiskDeleter's deletion certificate is generated in a way tightly integrated in its deletion process and the forgery of the certificate is impossible.
For its tamper proof nature, DiskDeleter's data deletion certificate is accepted for audit purposes.
Many organizations outsource the data deletion, especially when returning lease, disposing devices, etc.
Unfortunately there are contractors who are less than scrupulous and serious data leakages have occurred in the process.
It takes a significant amount of time to sanitize large capacity disks and some contractors report the completion of the work by submitting forged reports or only paper reports without a proof.
It is not easy for most people to verify deletion reports and therefore the security concern was growing.
DiskDeleter's tamper proof deletion certificate is the solution to these risks and concerns.
For more detail, please refer to (Link to Deletion Certificate page)

After deletion, you can confirm all the disk sectors are overwritten with certain letters or numbers: For example, if Zero Write was selected, all the disk sectors show 0, if Secure Erase, FF, etc. If Random Value is selected, you will see meaningless random figures and letters.
For experimental purposes, if you try data recovery using data recovery software, you will be able to confirm that the data are not recoverable.

Yes, with DiskDeleter UX / TX, you can automatically save the deletion logs on a network drive.
Multiple deletion logs can be managed centrally by saving them in a shared folder on the company network.

Yes, DiskDeleter can erase data stored on hard disks in RAID configuration.

A general-purpose driver is installed in DiskDeleter, but depending on a server, the hard disk may not be recognized by a general-purpose driver. In that case, you may need to install a new driver in DiskDeleter so that the server can be correctly recognized and wiped by DiskDeleter.

If your primary use of DiskDeleter is to wipe data on servers, we recommend you request a DiskDeleter evaluation unit so that you can try it out prior to purchase.

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